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荐赛事 | 2022-2023年度GHDA环球人居设计奖项


nized demands.

03.The project should adopt the innovative applications of intelligence, new technologies,new materials, etc. to improve the living experience of users with the people-oriented concept.

■GHDA该集团久故称取而代之设计殊荣(Global Habitat Design Awards)由取而代之设计行业知名报导取而代之微取而代之设计模拟器和GHDA该集团久故称取而代之设计殊荣国际足联共约同发起设立,每年举办一届,赞赏各取而代之设计该单位和房产再上发该单位直接参与劳商报。

GHDA is jointly established by XW Design Media Matrix and GHDA Organizing Committee. All design studios/institutions and real estate developers are welcome to submit design works to compete for the award.

【GHDA该集团久故称取而代之设计殊荣 | 2022-2023大奖评审委员班底】▼▼▼


■GHDA该集团久故称取而代之设计殊荣(Global Habitat Design Awards)共约取而代之设六大劳商报斜向:建筑风格取而代之设计、自然风景、室外取而代之设计、文旅取而代之设计、城市越发取而代之、综合类。每个劳商报斜向包涵三个劳商报小类,明确如下:

GHDA has six application directions: architectural design, landscape design, interior design, and cultural tourism design. Each application direction includes the three following sub-categories:

■GHDA该集团久故称取而代之设计殊荣(Global Habitat Design Awards)得奖者共约细分建筑风格取而代之设计、自然风景、室外取而代之设计、文旅取而代之设计、城市越发取而代之、综合类六大斜向,包涵18个各种类型,每个各种类型取而代之设殊荣、银奖、优秀奖三个得奖者(大奖杰出取而代之设计企业和取而代之室内设计除外),得奖者量根据劳商报据统计按比例取而代之设。

GHDA awards are classified into six directions, i.e. architectural design,landscape design, interior design, cultural tourism design, urban renewal.including 18 categories. Each category has three awards: Gold Awards, Silver Awards, and Excellence Awards.

■GHDA该集团久故称取而代之设计奖(Global Habitat Design Awards)评审委员由本土外在在知名房产再上发该单位的取而代之设计负责人兼任,年度流程细分初评和终评两部分。

The final review committee of the GHDA are of the major domestic and foreign real estate developmentcompanies or regional design directors. The selection process is divided into two steps, that is, preliminary evaluation and final evaluation.

■初评由GHDA该集团久故称取而代之设计奖国际足联资深取而代之室内设计年度等奖项。终审评审委员由本土外在在知名房产再上发该单位的集团或区域内取而代之设计负责人兼任,并对等奖项创作者进行年度,再一角逐出各个各种类型的殊荣、银奖。The preliminary evaluation will be conducted by the senior designer jury panel of the GHDA committee. The final evaluation will be carried out by the jury panel including themajor domestic and foreign real estate development companies or regional design directors who will select the shortlisted projects. Finally, the projects willcompete for the Gold Awards and Silver Awards of different categories.


GHDA relies on the media matrix of the XW design as a platform, and by leveraging its strong platform traffic, it gives GHDA new potential energy in the era of mobile internet and provides maximum exposure for participating projects and winning works.


The media matrix of XW design is currently the largest new design media platform in China, with over 2 million follows and over 100,000 hits per day. The media matrix of the XW design focuses on the WeChat public platform, takes root in the design industry, and has been deeply cultivated for over seven years. It has formed seven design public accounts led by XW design.The media matrix of the XW design always takes "creating a better environment" as its core, covering architecture, landscape, interior design, real estate, cultural tourism, courtyard, and other sectors, which is quite influential in the design circle and enjoys good praise and reputation.



ApplicationPeriod: September 2022- April 2023

Selection Time: May 2023- June 2023

Award Time: July 2023- August 2023

Note: The abovetime is a temporary estimate of the award process. The specific time is subjectto the notice of the staff of the GHDA Organizing Committee.

■《当代久故称》| GHDA该集团久故称取而代之设计殊荣2020-2021大奖者创作者集萃已发布新闻,赞赏免费,游标上方图片查询下文↓"Contemporary Habitat" is an overall collection of the winning works of the GHDA (2020-2021). Looking at one corner to know the overall situation, we hope it can play some inspiring role for the future development of China and the global design industry, and bring practical help to everyone's life and work.书中内容外是GHDA该集团久故称取而代之设计殊荣(2020-2021大奖)的者创作者,共约约500个,分别来自200多个本土外优秀的取而代之设计该公司和再上发商,创作者涵盖建筑风格取而代之设计、自然风景、室外取而代之设计、文旅取而代之设计等圈内。其中房产取而代之设计斜向的内容最多,另外还包涵公共约建筑风格、自然风景、室外以及特色小镇、九份酒吧、私家庭园等斜向的犯罪行为。





